
I’m having withdrawals. Not from cutting. Not from alcohol or drugs, but my boyfriend. We spent the majority of the weekend together, and now he probably won’t be at my side for a couple of days.

We spent the weekend making weird horse videos (I’m a horse named vagabond..lol), geocaching, and just relaxing in my room. Twas a very nice weekend after an insane week of school.

Now it is finals week at my high school, and I have a test at my college. It is gonna be one heck of a week. So, who knows when I’ll see Trevor next.

I feel so awkward when he isn’t around. Nobody to talk to, or jump on. The list just goes on and on and on. What makes it even worse is going to school and seeing other couples holding hands and kissing.

Wanting to cut has been something that I have definitely struggles with. However, not having my boyfriend around is more difficult. It is the only thing I can think about, and its driving me crazy not being with him.